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- CSAF statement against NATO
- war-makers are going back to Prague – what about anarchists?
- Protests … Actions … Infos … Autonomous Activities: Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Russia, Estonia, Romania, Belarus, Kasakhstan, Ukraine
- Anarchist Black Cross Russia, Czechia, Poland and Belarus
- Letter from the refugees from Chechenya
- C.A.F. Craiova Anarho Front
- drugaciji svijet je moguc! another world is possible initiative Croatia
- Balkan Anarcho-Syndicalist Conference (BASC)
- Noborder Network meeting, Warsaw
- Beware of the sex industry: Prostitution and slavery in Poland
- against liberalization of the labour code
- from ZAP to DSM – welcome to anarchist movement in Croatia
- antiglobalisation initiative of “autonomous action” movement – statement, russia
- Torun local activity up-date
- a-kontra english summary, czechia
- list of anarchist groups, projects and collectives from eastern europe

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